VERTIGO (Xavier SiS)
VERTIGO (Xavier SiS) (THE ORIGINAL TEXT BELOW) My Word, Darryl, you squeezed a lot of juice out of that movie! I have enjoyed the way you develop the different subjects that appear in that film. Needless to say, Hitch was at the same time both a genius and a cheater as a director. It`s known his misogyny and his obsession for blond actresses, even though you say he was not too keen on Kim Novak… I am not so sure J. v=Kfyh52UiqbQ In contrast to what you think, perhaps Vera Miles would have given a good performance and would have helped to focus the plot on its psychological issues. Novak portrayed a rather sophisticated woman and she literally “devoured” the first half of the movie. Miles ( “The Wrong Man”, “Psycho”…), on the other side, was pretty enough but perhaps she acted more like an ordinary woman. noticias-cine/a22807400/vera- miles-hitchcock-psicosis/ Hitch’s Muses: I...