(EN CASTELLANO DEBAJO) Have seen again Hitchcock’s “Vertigo” on the big screen after more than 30 years. It was a brand new copy, so the quality of the colour and sound was good. Besides, it was shown in English with Spanish subtitles, not dubbed into Spanish as I had seen it years ago as this was the “rule” then. A few years ago I read a priceless book on Hitch by French film director, Truffaut, called “El cine según Hitchcock” in Spanish. In this book Truffaut interviewed Hitch and, when they talked about “Vertigo”, I got the impression I had missed it altogether. Well, I will quote that interview between Truffaut and Hitch in this article. Hitchcock declared, when asked about the novel on which “Vertigo” is based, that “I was intrigued by the hero’s attempts to re-create the image of a dead woman through another one who’s alive.” (1) We also learnt from that book that Hitch did not think greatly of Kim Novak (2) as originally he had conceived her role for Vera Miles ...