(EN CASTELLANO DEBAJO) (1) The movie begins with Peter Fonda and Dennis Hooper, closing down a drug deal. With the money “earnt” from such transaction they intend to travel across the USA with their motorbikes. They are both two marginalized fellows, wearing long hair, whom society has rejected and has christened “Hell Angels”. They have to sleep outdoors because hotels won´t have them. Somehow it is a picaresque story of the USA nowadays. By following these two characters, we view a series of episodes portraying people of all social classes with a critical stand against American society. There is a scene at a commune where supposedly a new society is being formed with a new culture & religion. But what we see in the movie gives us the impression of some misfits who, trying to escape from society alienation, have fallen down in a deeper hole. There is a dialogue between Jack Nicholson and Dennis Hooper that I think reflec...